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Origin unknown – He is called that after the secret society created in 1776 in Bavaria and most likely he is a 33rd-level freemason, as there is an old saying: ” all Illuminatis are freemasons, but not all freemasons are Illuminatis”. He keeps himself and his plans in the shadows. No one knows exactly who he is and what his agenda is, as he unveils only parts of it to his followers. He is the only one who sees the big picture on how the world and humanity is affected by the New World Order plan, which was devised almost a century ago. Because of his anonymity, he can be any character in the game.

He is from United Kingdom – Royalty has huge fortunes and properties all over the world, especially in the precious metals and gems industry. His noble family tree goes back hundreds of centuries. Though royals have given away most their power this century, their descendants still have high political authority and have places in countless global corporations chairs, which gives them a lot of power, information, and opportunities to make big decisions, all of course with consent from the Royal Family. Because of his heritage, he gets 2 more cards when he starts a new round.
This young royalty has not given up on the hope, that with the New World Order, once again, countries will be led by blue-bloods. For that reason, he is investing heavily in Human Cloning to clone his royal genes, so that his family can once again rule over the common man.


To achieve his goal, Royalty must collect  3 Achievements with the color yellow. When he has managed to do it, he will be rewarded with 500 VP-s. PLUS 200 Bonus Victory Points, if he achieves his personal goal.

(Note: there are 4 tiles with color yellow in the game. The other one is Secret Government Lab).

Born in Italy, Rome. He has been playing power games in Vatican since is early adulthood and has power all around the world  – in catholic churches, institutions and governments. He is the man behind the curtain, who uses his influence and knowledge to manipulate governments around the world. Even the Pope dares not to cross him.
Because he has an enormous amount of information about his fellow elites, no one would dare to rob the corporations he controls.
He is a very spiritual man and believes in higher power, but he is also into the occult as he tries to discover secrets from the time of the Pharaohs and Greek gods.
His dream is to gift the world with an individual who will become the Spiritual Leader who all of humanity has to follow. He of course hopes to control him or maybe even become that himself…


To achieve his goal Cardinal must collect  3 Achievements with the color white. When he has managed to do it, he will be rewarded with 500 VP-s. PLUS 200 Bonus Victory Points, if he achieves his personal goal.

(Note: there are 4 tiles with color white in the game. Other is Wise and Fearless Leader).

His roots are in Israel – As a great-grandson of the most powerful banking family in the world, he has all the influence and wealth from the family, which he has increased even more. He and his group have destroyed companies and crashed the markets many times while becoming even richer and more arrogant. He was also behind the Great Market Short of 2032, which was one of the reasons the world is in its current condition.
He and rest of the 1% have planned this chaos for decades. Now they have a great chance to fulfill their biggest goal: total control and domination of the population, that will live under continued surveillance, censorship, and extreme rules.
As one of the most ambitious character, he has the possibility to add one extra corporation to his list.

NWO Banker

To achieve his goal Banker must collect 3 Achievements with the color brown. When he has managed to do it, he will be rewarded with 500 VP-s. PLUS 200 Bonus Victory Points, if he achieves his personal goal.

(Note: there are 4 tiles with color brown in the game. Other is Powerful Gun prototype).

He is from Belgium – Born into high-society, he has taken part in elites secret gatherings for decades, very few is mentioned in the mainstream media, most of them are not. He is the shadowy leader of this secret global group called the Bilderbergs who follow him with fear. He knows a lot of VIP-s in many business fields and can control them with intimidation and blackmail tactics. Being a billionaire also helps. That is the reason why he gets up to 500 extra Victory Points at the end of Old Order. In recent years, these secret gatherings have come out in the open causing them to have problems with many independent news reporters. Mainstream media on the other hand are in collaboration with the Bilderbergs.

Now he feels it’s time to gain more control over his elitist buddies, so his goal is to build a Doomsday Machine. This machine can keep them in fear of him having the power to destroy any corporation or country that will disobey him. What that weapon will be, is still not known…


To achieve his goal Bilderberger must collect 3 Achievements with color dark gray. When he has managed to do it, he will be rewarded with 500 VP-s. PLUS 200 Bonus Victory Points, if he achieves his personal goal.

(Note: there are 4 tiles with color dark gray. Other one is World Bank).

New World order game

Born in Australia into a high-level political family, the idea of the New World Order has always fascinated her. A world with one government, one bank, one military,  and one language and where few govern the many. In her mind, that is the most effective way to lead the masses (or control them you might say), protect the earth, and save it. The population also needs to be diminished. Human rights are not that important. But – she explains – people will have their entertainment and a monthly government paycheck in the New World Order, so most of them won’t probably mind not having a lot of rights anymore.
Now that the globalists actions have created the perfect storm of instability and chaos, it is time to make the biggest step and achieve her and her supporter’s big goal.


To achieve his goal Globalist must collect 3 Achievements, with color orange. When he has managed to do it, he will be rewarded with 500 VP-s. PLUS 200 Bonus Victory Points if she achieves her personal goal.

(Note: there are 5 tiles with color orange in the game. Others are Live DNA Modification and Data Collecting Microchip).

Living in Canada – after making billions on Wall Street by manipulating the market through hedge funds, in his senior years he wants to make his mark and use his money for researching different kind of projects. He has experimented with vaccines, tried to create engines with unlimited energy, attempted to control the weather, and much more. Some of them were useful for society, but many weren’t. After understanding that the life on planet Earth will be very complex and overpopulated in the future, he started a space program to find new life in space. Maybe to get some alien DNA and start experimenting with that or with the help of an alien life form he could find a suitable planet. which he can re-populate to continue human race with the few survivors from Earth. Of course this possibility would be available only to the elites. He feels that his plan is on the verge of success.


To achieve his goal Philantropist must collect  3 Achievements with color dark blue. When he has managed to do it, he will be rewarded with 500 VP-s. PLUS 200 Bonus Victory Points, if he achieves his personal goal.

(Note: there are 5 tiles with color dark blue color in the game. Others are Interstellar Spacestation and Disease Detecting Nano-bots).

Mediamogul comes from the United States and has enormous power in the movie and music industry.  He also owns a major news and media network and his minions control transportation of any goods around the world. He can decide what people see, hear, think and what they use in their daily lives. Because of this power of influencing people’s everyday life, he has a skill to combine (once in the game) 3 corporations to get a big Achievement.

He dreams of creating a colossal Human Colony in Space with at least 50 million people and being their ruler. And he will make his own laws!


To achieve his goal MediaMogul must collect 3 Achievements with color ocean green. When he has managed to do it, he will be rewarded with 500 VP-s. PLUS 200 Bonus Victory Points, if he achieves his personal goal.

(Note: there are 5 tiles with color ocean green in the game. Others are Healthy GMO and Data collecting microchip).

President – from Estonia, starting from her teenage years, she has locally risen through the ranks with her political party and even worked many influential jobs in the European Union. Her globalistic ideas were always strongly reinforced by her bureaucratic mentors, who recommended her to run for president, to which she quickly agreed. As she saw how the government gave more and more ground to right-wing parties, she felt the need to right the ship and keep the globalist plans on schedule. That is – more green energy, supporting immigration rather than nationalism, and introducing Woke ideology to the public.
She did not win the presidency through direct election, but through the government election process, otherwise she might not have won, as she wasn’t a familiar face amongst the public. Though she is controlled by the highest council, she has her own dream of developing technology for unlimited energy, which she would share with the whole world (if allowed).

new world order boardgame

The president can choose which 3 starting corporation cards she wants!

To achieve his goal President must collect  3 Achievements with color dark red. When he has managed to do it, he will be rewarded with 500 VP-s. PLUS 200 Bonus Victory Points if she achieves her personal goal.

(Note: there are 4 tiles with color dark red. Other is Brilliant Scientist).

New World order game
nwo game